

Today I posted a note that I have far too many friends on facebook and a downsizing must take place.  I am only one woman, it is nearly impossible for me to keep track of just myself.  I know what you're thinking.  Whoa, people must have been scared shitless to get the boot.  Well imagine how I felt when I received this threat:


a personal assistant.  asap.


The Fam and the Food

My cousin Trishy recently started up a family food blog called The Food and the Fam.  I love Trish for many reasons, but this is by far one of the cutest things she has come up with to get the family interacting with each other.  And what better way than with food.  The idea is to post a picture and description of any interesting meals we make or even order while dining out.  So far we've had gingerbread pancakes, veal burgers, fried avocado tacos and chicken/four cheese ravioli with a truffle oil sauce - wow!  I am looking forward to more posts, especially from the elders and their experienced methods.  Here are a few posts:



The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Friday night @ Beta

DJ Craze @ Beta
Take note of his hat and tatWhat a cutie!

Friday night @ the MCA

Wacky band at the MCA Denver for the opening of Barnaby Furnas exhibition


You're a jerk

i know.

Random Friday Festivities

a quick breakdown of my day:

1. it was friday (that automatically gives the day one gold star!)
2. i hit the road with my faux to denver
3. yay, we just we scored tix to ladyhawke and have three hours to kill before her performance
4. naturally, we hit up the denver museum of modern art for one of their openings
5. oh wow, it only costs us each $.10 to get in (second gold star!)
6. a wacky live band paraded in and stole the show with hava nagila
6b. dance, dance, dance 
7. let's peruse art and drink cocktails
8. hunger is kicking in, let's hit that recommended joint, which i now recommend: vesta
9. it's 10:50, ladyhawke is going on 20 minutes, let's go!
10. i hear her, hurry!
11. i love this song, let's dance!
12. uh oh they're all walking off stage...what's going on?
13. feelings of unhappiness kicking in...misinformed, we arrived too late. oh nooo!
14. hey, let's go to beta and check it out.
14b. ok!
15. doorman tells us it's dj craze tonight
16. dade county reprezent! (third gold star!)
17. raging dance party (fourth gold star!)
18. i holler at craze, 'yoo kendall!' and he lights up like a christmas tree and grabs my hand, we had a miami moment
19. realization that beta was the best decision (fifth gold star!)
20. best random night, ever!

Hot Yoga

Also know as Bikram Yoga.
I attended my first class the other night and enjoyed it so much that I went back the next night.  I can't really explain the feeling but it is one of the most intense sensations ever.  You completely sweat your ass off and then leave feeling beautifully refreshed.  I can't get over the amount of sweat one produces.  Your hair, skin, clothing are fully drenched by the time you're ready to take a deep breath and cool down. The whole vibe was just amazing and filled with so much positive energy.  I encourage everyone to at least try it.  I promise you won't be disappointed. 
As my friend pointed out, 'It's not yoga, it's a work out.'
Thank you, Boulder.


Word Trendz

i have noticed a growing trend on certain words that used to be respected cautiously and correctly, not to mention you would have to earn cool points to even utter their syllables.  for some unforgivable reason, captions and descriptions are unvieling events as 'epic' and occuring much too frequently for the word to even make sense.  what happened to the significance?  what happened to the meaning?  just because you got drunk and played wii until 4am with your friends, does not earn anyone the right to describe said event as 'epic.'  weekend after weekend, to boot.  call it a pet peeve if you will, but i now cringe every time i see a shirt with an iron-on piano cat described as 'epic.'  like it wasn't painful enough that 'dope' got overused.  


Michael Zavros

Falling August
charcoal on paper
Spring/Fall 1  
Oil on canvas 
I was just introduced to Michael Zavros, who has really unique paintings of falling horses amongst other bizarre faceless portraits.  Will have to keep a look out for his next solo exhibition.



On a side note

I am gushing with love and truly feel so happy.*  Since I've returned, at least nine people have said I am glowing and look like a little German girl** What did Berlin poison me with?  Bottle that shit up and give me a lifetime supply.   I'm going to move there.  Seriously, can you imagine anyone more appropriate?  Me either.   

*I'd like to point out that I am almost always a happy individual, but this is like drugged happy.  Only, I'm not on drugs.  I promise. 
**said in German accent

For once

I got to check the last box.
5 times.


Boob Tube

About two months ago, I mentioned that I canceled my cable.  One would think, wow she has managed to get by two months with literally no cable.  Well, this is the truth and a lie at once.  The truth is, I havent personally paid or viewed cable in the dim comfort of my apartment for two months.  The lie is, I have paid and viewed cable (and movies) in the luxurious comfort of my hotel rooms for two months.  What's the point of this?  Tell me about it.  I walked into my dining/living room this evening and instead of reaching for the remote, I opened all the shades, unlocked the sliding glass door, grabbed my book and plopped onto the couch.  I am utterly ashamed that I exposed my mind to such mindless reality-garbage for so long.  And paid for it!  It's not like I don't get it for free just walking outside.*  My point is, it really does feel fucking great.  I've traded the white noise for the ambient street sounds and the low hum of Bob Dylan.  Not to mention, I'm already two books down, and I'm finally, FINALLY reading Franny and Zooey.**  Not saying, I wont bring it back...but for now, it's quite lovely. 
*cut to me at Miami International Airport, where a larger, rather jappy, black woman, (easily mistaken for drag) calls the airline agent a bitch for not allowing her to bring on four separate carry-ons...one clearly over the TSA size regualtion.  I thought I was on that show Airline, except I was flying American. 

**"It's everybody, I mean. Everything everybody does is so--I don't know--not wrong, or even mean, or even stupid, necessarily. But just so tiny and meaningless--and sad-making. And the worst part is, if you go bohemian or something crazy like that, you're conforming just as much as everybody else, only in a different way." - J.D. Salinger


Choo Choo

my train made a pit stop in Miami
not sure where it's headed next...


Goodnight, Berlin

outside Alexanderplatz, S Bahn railing through

Berlin's Famous Kiss

the restored spotted walking to Watergate

It's back!

Headphone Headband®
Captured at my weakest moment*
*i've realized that i quickly wrap my headphones around my head when i'm about to lose my shit.  perhaps it is keeping me together?

Seven Star Gallery

I stumbled upon this bizarre, misshaped gallery as I was covering ground throughout Mitte. Something about the sterileless environment seemed inviting. Maybe it was the crate of apples in the middle of the entrance or what I assume was the owners personal lap dog laying perfectly in the walk way. But this was no country living quarters. Portraits of nude women lined the musky walls, giving attention to the various shapes shaved into their pubic region. Making my way past the stars, hearts and lightning bolts, my heart jolted when I nearly dropped though a hole in the floor. Unsure if this stairway was off limits, I found myself drawn in by the faint glow welcoming me in from the basement. What could have turned into a deleted scene from the Shining, was actually morphed into a beautifully tranquil room. I was admiring the classic art when I saw the piece of furniture out of the corner of my eye. I stared at this chair for about 15 minutes. Envious of its stature and presence and the way the light magnified the detail. I envisioned myself as part of this picture. For just a moment. And then I left.


It's September

It's September.   
                              It's September?!
                                                      Where was August?  
                                                                                  Does this mean summer's over?