
Boob Tube

About two months ago, I mentioned that I canceled my cable.  One would think, wow she has managed to get by two months with literally no cable.  Well, this is the truth and a lie at once.  The truth is, I havent personally paid or viewed cable in the dim comfort of my apartment for two months.  The lie is, I have paid and viewed cable (and movies) in the luxurious comfort of my hotel rooms for two months.  What's the point of this?  Tell me about it.  I walked into my dining/living room this evening and instead of reaching for the remote, I opened all the shades, unlocked the sliding glass door, grabbed my book and plopped onto the couch.  I am utterly ashamed that I exposed my mind to such mindless reality-garbage for so long.  And paid for it!  It's not like I don't get it for free just walking outside.*  My point is, it really does feel fucking great.  I've traded the white noise for the ambient street sounds and the low hum of Bob Dylan.  Not to mention, I'm already two books down, and I'm finally, FINALLY reading Franny and Zooey.**  Not saying, I wont bring it back...but for now, it's quite lovely. 
*cut to me at Miami International Airport, where a larger, rather jappy, black woman, (easily mistaken for drag) calls the airline agent a bitch for not allowing her to bring on four separate carry-ons...one clearly over the TSA size regualtion.  I thought I was on that show Airline, except I was flying American. 

**"It's everybody, I mean. Everything everybody does is so--I don't know--not wrong, or even mean, or even stupid, necessarily. But just so tiny and meaningless--and sad-making. And the worst part is, if you go bohemian or something crazy like that, you're conforming just as much as everybody else, only in a different way." - J.D. Salinger

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