
Special delivery

One of my resolutions this year is to stay in better contact with my friends and family, by simply checking in more frequently.  Last year, I unintentionally let work rule my life.  So this year, I'm making an effort to change that.  And with that change, I am trying this thing where I actually pick up the phone and call people.  No one calls anymore.  It's always a text message or an e-mail.  I decided I'm going to start calling and making it personal and sincere.  "Hey, want to go out tonight?" "Was just listening to the radio and heard 'put a little love in your heart' and it made me think of you."   "Can you give me a ride?"  I also want to send more snail-mail.  What the hell happened to that?  I've been thinking about this one.  People used to write to give updates on their lives, what they did that week or month and it was nice.  But that has recently been replaced by status updates second by second.  I certainly dont need to write my friend Beryl to tell her I went to the gym today, because she probably knew that before I even got there.  But, snail mail is great for the surprises.  Maybe it's just a drawing of my face or a joke or pencil shavings.  I dont know.  We used to do that.  Fill envelopes with shavings and have a laugh.  It was fun and I'm ready to bring that fun back.