
The Arts

Tonight was my company holiday party.  Every year it has a theme, thus making it an elaborate costume party.  This year was 'The Arts.'  This year was also the first year I was unable to attend.  Super bummed because I'm stuck out in LA on a job and i'm missing the best god damn party of the year.  Well, I should say that I am primarily bummed out because I thought I had a fucking dope idea for a costume.  
Here it is.  

I was going to be Damien Hirst's "For the Love of God" - the famous diamond encrusted human skull.  I actually had this thing planned for about a month and I would not tell anyone because it was that good.  I was going to wear a black spandex body suit, muting my body from the scene.  The only thing you would have seen was my head covered in a bling.  I found a mask on ebay that looked identical to his skull.  I even bought diamond rhinestones to bedazzle the thing.  I was going to look legit.  No joke.  So, as it turned out, I didn't get to pull it off for this particular party, but that isn't to say I don't have my Halloween costume planned for 2010. 

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