
All Is Love

"Can you make all the sadness and loneliness disappear?"

Last night I saw Where The Wild Things Are and while most feedback around me was not what they expected, I had a personal connection with the film that really touched my heart.  It was beautifully intense and psychologically emotional.  Within the first seven minutes of the movie, I was immediately connected to my inner child.  I found my heart softened and missing that adolescent relationship you truly first experience with your family.  

There is a scene where Max's mom is overwhelmed with work and he crawls underneath her, just laying there staring up at her processing her face.  This scene hit me and brought back a memory I had with my mom.  It was when I first really understood what death meant.  And I just looked up at my mom, a face terrified with confusion and eyes full of sadness.  And in that moment I broke down at her feet knowing that she would some day be gone.  Can you imagine the realization at such a young age?  It's devastating.  And I guess that's what I appreciated so much about the movie.  The portrayal of this one child's thoughts and emotions were delivered so accurately.  

Another really genuine moment was hearing "While You Wait For the Others" come on the radio while we were driving through Denver and feeling the joy and love of life. 

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