
Happy Halloweener

Still don't know what I am going to be, but if I don't think of something soon I might have to fall back on my costume from circa 1986:


Look at this picture I found

who would have thought i shared a fondness with this weather so long ago?


The Pursuit of Happiness

Sitting in with my faux therapist today, he told me there are 4 points to achieve happiness within your current environment.  I trust my friend's opinion and I really value the advice he lends me.  So as I was trying to figure out what was going on in my head, this is what he narrowed it down to:
1. fulfillment with your job/work
2. creative fulfillment outside of work
3. friends/family
4. romance or the prospect of romance
if you have 1 of these 4 things, it's time to pack up and make a move
if you have 2 of these 4 things, life can't be so bad but hey, there is room for more happiness
if you have 3 of these 4 things, life is looking pretty good and so are you
if you have 4 out of 4, do not change anything and continue to live
we figured out i currently have one of these things.  maybe two  :/


Tetris Dress

i want this dress!!!


I'm official

I finally bought my snowboard this weekend.  Isn't she dreamy???
Pass is renewed.  Now it's time to ride!


That's what i'm saying!

All Is Love

"Can you make all the sadness and loneliness disappear?"

Last night I saw Where The Wild Things Are and while most feedback around me was not what they expected, I had a personal connection with the film that really touched my heart.  It was beautifully intense and psychologically emotional.  Within the first seven minutes of the movie, I was immediately connected to my inner child.  I found my heart softened and missing that adolescent relationship you truly first experience with your family.  

There is a scene where Max's mom is overwhelmed with work and he crawls underneath her, just laying there staring up at her processing her face.  This scene hit me and brought back a memory I had with my mom.  It was when I first really understood what death meant.  And I just looked up at my mom, a face terrified with confusion and eyes full of sadness.  And in that moment I broke down at her feet knowing that she would some day be gone.  Can you imagine the realization at such a young age?  It's devastating.  And I guess that's what I appreciated so much about the movie.  The portrayal of this one child's thoughts and emotions were delivered so accurately.  

Another really genuine moment was hearing "While You Wait For the Others" come on the radio while we were driving through Denver and feeling the joy and love of life. 


I'm really happy

- it is Friday
- going to see Where the Wild Things Are
- the weather is beauty-ful
- i just got some of my fav cajun trail mix
- i have the best fwendz, ever


Paco Peña

Last night I went to go see Paco Peña play at the Boulder Theater.  I have a special fondness for Paco and the art of Flamenco after I spent five months studying the beautiful sound in Valencia, Spain.  It was a true pleasure to see one of the world's most traditional and legendary Flamenco players perform right here in Boulder.

At the end of the show, everyone gathered around the woman who was singing (cante libre) while she danced

Coachella Time Lapse

As Trish mentioned, we're somewhere in there!


I have a problem

I killed my plants.  
My fridge is empty.
I can't feel my toes.  
My heater is not working.
Oh....and I'm back in Boulder.


NY is toxic

And I love it.  
Some weird happenings in the past 48 hours. 
A few great findings worth sharing:
- Little Branch
- White Star
- Di Salvino
- 151
- Home Sweet Home
- Lit
- Veselka

You and Me

Don't forget to proofread

this is an e-mail I sent last night at 4am.
I have no idea what I was writing or trying to say, 
except that I was sending scripts, which had absolutely nothing to do with beach shorts.
oh yeah - and signing xo to a complete stranger
lr explain beach shorts and


New York, I love you. That's all.

Is it true?

someone just told me there are actually people who don't like hip hop.  
is that really true?  who are these people?  
what a bunch of soul-less jerks.


Restless Lip Syndrome

When a person keeps interupting a conversation and can't keep her mouth shut.