

"ultimately, photography is about who you are.  
it's the seeking of truth in relation to yourself.  and seeking truth becomes a habit."  
- leonard freed

What I've been doing in Berlin

In a nutshell:  We fed passersby on the street the Angry Whopper.  Then we led them into an eclosed cube called the House of Anger, where they could express what their tastebuds were feeling .  These are the results.

Berlin Extended

as of today, we are officially citizens of Deutschland!
okay, maybe not.
but can you imagine how amazing that would be?
I can
over and over in my head

so we haven't been issued a passport, or a visa for that matter
but we did find out our stay has been extended
what does this mean?

we've been here so long we are actually witnessing the seasonal change.

Parra :: Pool Gallery

It was fun to catch Parra's opening at the Pool Gallery in Berlin

Klaus Staeck :: Berlinische Galerie

To Klaus, art is political and has a mission.  
As a means of making the public aware of the contradictions and deficiencies of society, 
art should provoke, create scandals, and disturb the clandestine business 
of those who otherwise benefit from general inattentiveness. 
"Caution: Art!"

John Heartfield :: Berlinische Galerie

This exhibition at the Berlinische Galerie, focuses on the political photomontages John Heartfield produced between 1930 and 1938, vehemently attacking conditions in Germany while conveying a glorious picture of the "Construction of Socialism" in the Soviet Union.
"New political problems require new means of propaganda.  For this, photography possesses the greatest persuasive power." - John Heartfield 1930

Crew Love Is True Love


Time with Berlin

After two long weeks, we finally had our first weekend free.  I wandered a lot and covered a lot of ground.  I am falling in love with this city.  It has everything a girl like me needs in an environment.  I would even let the whole need for an ocean be replaced by their beautiful canals and rivers.   Unique architecture.  Expansive culture.  Exquisete Fashion.  Hearty food.  Deep love.  Zest for Life.  I'll be back with more, gotta get back out there while the day is young!


Old find

just found one of my first spots. ha


Desktop overload

It's Monday

About to start my second Monday for the day.
Love working double time zones.


fantastically funny


Berlin Street Art

Kreuzberg, Berlin

Poupee de Cire, Poupe de son

Just stumbled upon this France Gall cover by Arcade Fire. I cannot wait to see them live again.

And here is the original...

I love the French eloquence.

Team Deutschland

here in kreuzberg.
the sun and its day are delightful.
the world championship is wrapping up.
we are working.
avid has crashed three times already.
our editor is hungover from a wedding last night.
the sense of humor here sucks.
matt keeps saying "everything's great!" in a sarcastic manner

Fight the Power

Demonstration in Kreuzberg/Berlin, outside of the post house


Rock chic style

karen o

The Longest Way

The Longest Way 1.0 - one year walk/beard grow time lapse from Christoph Rehage on Vimeo.

cool time lapse video

Saturday Stroll

often your hotel reservation changes half way through your stay and you find yourself rolling your luggage straight through the world championship race. literally.


Team Raccoon

we keep digging until we get what we want

Lost in Translation

attempting to follow foreign conversations currently taking place
ohhh boy...defeat kicking in


Pick-up wood hangar

love this idea and would like to make some of my own

All. Night. Looong

all niiiight, all niiiight

My eyes hurt


i am scared for my plants back home.
please someone tell me it has been raining.
i feel like a murderer.

All or nothing

The same freedom you feel,
is what's been blowing in my sail
since I arrived here


Kinetic Typography

Following the Pulp Fiction clip, here is another kinetic typography clip set to audio from Wedding Crashers


More Bauhaus

Tower of Fire by Johannes Itten

Bauhaus Exhibit

Six decades after the Nazis banned it,
Germany's famed Bauhaus Archiv is available at the Martin-Gropius-Bau
Interactive portion


Good ideas have no genitals

nicely said at the end.


Haus Der Wut

smashing shit up in the Haus Der Wut



Marco just sent an email about breakfast and I'm headed to dinner.

I'm in the future!



not sure what to say except
fuck yah
i love the foreign tongue
everything is so darling here

x. bathroom lighting +

More yo, More!

our new friends, the raver boyz

finally, a male angel has flown into my life

basically this is a giant dove shitting on a city

this is a man. this is a man with a sunflower tattoo.
this is a man with a sunflower tattoo who lost a bet.

oh she tried his donkey burger alright.

More Pics from Lolla

i know, life is so hard. and dramatic.
his friends actually let him leave the house with those raver beads
fuck you too
it's true. that is the sound of animals fighting
this was the most darling, fucked up couple